Rare earth metal - Germanium ingot/metal/rod /bar – Xinglu

Product Description


1. Lustrous, hard, grayish-white solid metalloid in the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon.

2. Purified germanium is a 'p-type' semiconductor material.

3. Conductivity depends largely on added impurities.

4. Attacked by nitric acid and aqua regia, but stable in water, acids, and alkalies in absence of dissolved oxygen, low toxicity.


Basic Info


1.Purity: high quality germanium metal ge rod germanium bar 99.999% 5n 

2. CAS No.: 7440-56-4

3.Main Applicatoin: solar cell,coating, fibre-optic systems,infrared optics,infrared night vision,phosphors



Product Name 99.999% Zone-refined Germanium Ingot
Appearance Sliver White
Physical Size Powder, Granules, Ingot
Molecular Formula Ge
Molecular Weight 72.6
Melting Point 937.4 °C
Boiling Point 2830 °C
Thermal Conductivity 0.602 W/cm/K @ 302.93 K
Electrical Resistivity Microhm-cm @ 20 oC
Electronegativity 1.8 Paulings
Specific Heat 0.077 Cal/g/K @ 25 oC
Heat of Vaporization 68 K-cal/gm atom at 2830 oC


Impurities in ppm


Product: Germanium Ingot

Purity: 99.999%


Certificate What we can provide

  • Rare earth metal - Germanium ingot/metal/rod /bar – Xinglu Related Video:

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